Connecting Domestic and Animal Abuse Cases to Create a Safer World

The Animal Welfare Institute has done some amazing work on educating social workers and first responders on the connections between pet abuse and human abuse. These virtual events have been taking place since 2021 and have done amazing work to educate these first responders so that they can report abuse faster and help people and animals stay safer together.

We started working with the Animal Welfare Institute in 2021 after they saw our work at another virtual event. They had the challenge of reaching multiple states and audiences with limited budget and we were able to help them educate over 500 professionals and issue continuing education credits for our first event. We’ve been working with them ever since and will continue hosting two events with them in 2024 for audiences in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky.


– The audience for this event is not assumed to be very tech savvy and so one of the things we’ve been really proud of is helping their speakers practice and prepare so that we can produce a seamless experience for attendees. Our extensive experience with virtual has helped us work through technical issues on the back end so that attendees are not even aware when there are technical challenges.  


I became aware of Liz and her group in the early part of the pandemic when they handled a multi-day virtual workshop for the Ohio Coalition of Adult Protective Services.  It was the only workshop I had participated so far in the pandemic that went off without a hitch technically.  I got Liz’s contact from OCAPS to see if she would work with nonprofits and she was a go.  

I have used them several times and she has helped clean up and make things smooth no matter what (there was a time an older speaker could not only not get her PP up, she couldn’t even get on the platform.  I knew what happened but no one (over 500 attendees) knew that there was anything wrong.  Whew!
— Vicki Diesner
Animal Welfare Institute
  • Client: Animal Welfare Institute
  • Category: Community Events
  • Duration: 3 years